KOST.BARES (i.e. precious) Wine Quarter 2.0

The region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg has numerous agricultural products and direct marketers to offer. In recent years there has been an increasing demand for regional products and residents as well as restaurant proprietors are interested in quick and easy availability. Three years ago the LEADER Region Wine Quarter East started to develop the internet platform www.kostbares-weinviertel.at. In the Western Wine Quarter the syndicate Landentwicklung (i.e. regional development) already started in 2017 to provide contact to regional producers on their website in addition to smaller public relations activities. So far 120 producers have been registered. This successful project is intended to be further developed as the LEADER co-operation project of the regions Weinviertel-Manhartsberg and Weinviertel East. In order to raise and improve people’s awareness of regional projects the following measures are planned:

  • Enhanced public relations work and marketing
  • Networking and exchange of information among the businesses
  • (transregional) presentations and workshops for cooking in schools and kindergardens

funding organization: LF3
year of implementation:
: agriculture
funding priority: 
creation of value