Professional photo material – Weinstraße Weinviertel

The lead partner Weinstraße Weinviertel West with its 303 members from municipalities, wine growers, wine inns, Heurigen and Buschenschanken (i.e. taverns selling homegrown wine), wine stores, accommodation providers and direct marketers has been trying to breathe more life into the region and increase the creation for value for the last 15 years. However, the basis for doing so is that all project levels are supported in the realization, for example by using a homogenous picture language. The aim of the project is to edit high-quality branded photo material as well as professional photos taken by drones for member businesses including municipalities and the Weinstraße Weinviertel West – for printing and web design.

funding organization: Ecoplus
year of implementation:
funding priority: 
creation of value