Educational Region Weinviertel – Manhartsberg 2018-2021

Entwicklungsworkshop © LEADER Region Weinviertel - Manhartsberg

In recent years there have been taken a lot of measures within the frame of the ‘Learning Region’ to encourage ‘lifelong learning’. However, regional educational measures have not been known far and wide yet. The educational database is hardly used and there is hardly any central support for municipal educational events either even though it is requested by the residents. There is the local councillors’ and educational providers’ general wish to intensify networking and exchange of information as well as mutual promotion. Within the project’s frame the regional collaboration of educational institutions, libraries and other regional areas, schools etc. as well as transregional collaboration with other educational regions, universities, universities of applied science, academies etc. are planned to be accelerated, the regional provision with basic supplies will be secured and the number of appealing educational offers with new experimental and innovative educational formats will be increased.

funding organization: LF3
year of implementation:
: education 
funding priority: 
common weal