Mini project – ‘The wild East 1000 years ago’

The wild East, which existed a thousand years ago, is hardly known in comparison to the ‘wild West’, even though in the Central Middle Ages the foundation for our contemporary area of settlement was laid. The example of ‘Langen Thales’ and the surrounding area of Enzersdorf i.Th., in the East of Hollabrunn, the colonialisation of the region’s East is shown to the
public in an 8-minute filmlet. (Pars pro toto). This is also true for the whole Weinviertel and similarly for entire Lower Austria. Besides the filmlet there is also shown an exhibition about the topic, which can be visited from 25.5. – 26.10.2018 in the Museum Hollabrunn, Hofmühle.

funding organization: LF3
year of implementation:
: education
funding priority:
common weal