This project serves to raise awareness towards the region’s extraordinary fauna and flora in Lower Austria, Vienna and the Czech Republic including the physiographic distribution. The first stage is dedicated to an educational project focusing on ‘natural resources and species diversity in the Schmidatal and Retzerland’. The project’s target is to make these natural resources known to the local residents. The second stage is concerned with developing and implementing the second main project ‘touristic marketing of natural resources in the Western part of the LEADER-region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg’.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness for biodiversity, establishing the region as a destination for excursions and cuisine

In the North-Eastern region of Hollabrunn one can find rises in the landscape which cannot be used for agriculture anymore nowadays. Instead they function as habitat for numerous plant and animal species. Unfortunately these habitats are more and more turning into scrubland, grassland and wasteland. Therefore a cultivation (mowing, grazing etc.) compliant to conservation is required, if these natural resources in central Weinviertel should be preserved. These beauty spots of central Weinviertel are hardly known.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness for biodiversity

This project is an attempt to raise the local residents’ awareness of regional and seasonal groceries and offers the chance to discuss the topic and deal with it in an active way. This way the urban space of living can put a focus on related educational and culinary related aspects. The process of growth and harvesting as well as taste and vitality become directly tangible. For this purpose various areas ranging from Hollabrunn’s main square to the Kellergassen are being cultivated and signposted.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness and biodiversity