This project serves to raise awareness towards the region’s extraordinary fauna and flora in Lower Austria, Vienna and the Czech Republic including the physiographic distribution. The first stage is dedicated to an educational project focusing on ‘natural resources and species diversity in the Schmidatal and Retzerland’. The project’s target is to make these natural resources known to the local residents. The second stage is concerned with developing and implementing the second main project ‘touristic marketing of natural resources in the Western part of the LEADER-region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg’.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness for biodiversity, establishing the region as a destination for excursions and cuisine

In the North-Eastern region of Hollabrunn one can find rises in the landscape which cannot be used for agriculture anymore nowadays. Instead they function as habitat for numerous plant and animal species. Unfortunately these habitats are more and more turning into scrubland, grassland and wasteland. Therefore a cultivation (mowing, grazing etc.) compliant to conservation is required, if these natural resources in central Weinviertel should be preserved. These beauty spots of central Weinviertel are hardly known.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness for biodiversity

Cuisine and taste are central touristic issues in Waldviertel (see also the tourism strategy for Waldviertel and Lower Austria 2020). In the year 2010 the ‘Destination Waldviertel GmbH initiated ‘Waldviertel – ganz mein Geschmack’. First 72 taste adventures were united. Since 2012 this initiative has been the market leader among taste adventures and their number could be increased to 83.

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funding organization: EU + Ecoplus
year of implementation: 2017-19
category: tourism
funding priority: creation of value

In 2016 the music event Grabern welcoming almost 3000 guests, showing 74 performances in 15 locations took place in the market town Grabern. With a choice of 15 different music genres there was something for everybody. 256 musicians were able to show their talent and could increase the region’s publicity. The presenters provided the audience with a lot of information about the different genres of music.
Due to positive feedback the market town Grabern and the musical society Grabern decided to host the educational music festival Grabern this year. This year’s event focuses on the educational aspect (i.e. gaining knowledge about the different styles of music, workshops and trying out musical instruments).

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2017
category: education
funding priority: common weal

‘radioYpsilon’ is an independent, non-profit medium free of advertising, whose supporting association is ‘Kommunikationszentrum nördliches Niederösterreich’). All members of the community are allowed to broadcast themselves. Social, cultural and ethnical minorities as well as people who are discriminated against for example because of their sexual orientation and their ethnical origin have first call for doing so. The voluntary broadcasters receive a basic training for broadcasting by the staff of radioYpsilon.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2017-18
category: education
funding priority: common weal

In every Kellergasse (streets with a high number of wine cellars) of the Pulkautal cellar comfort zones are planned to be set up. They should offer the opportunity for cyclers to refresh and relax. These comfort zones should be characterised by a common label and design. Wine press houses with some space in front are wanted.

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funding organization: LF3, department for funding agriculture
year of implementation: 2017
category: cultural heritage
funding priority: improving conservation and use of cultural heritage

For more than 10 years the KG Kellergasse has been trying to preserve and revitalise the Kellergassen (i.e. lane or hollow way with wine cellars on one or both sides) in the Weinviertel. The aim of this project is to improve the image and quality of guided tours through the Kellergassen. That way the interests for this cultural asset should be raised and the networking between all participants intensified.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2017-2019
category: tourism
funding priority: increased usage of Kellergassen

Abandoned property in the town centre is a crucial issue in the municipalities of Lower Austria. New buildings are constructed in the village outskirts, but the town centre is confronted with more and more out-migration. The municipalities are usually perceived as unattractive and are therefore hardly in line for business premises or new living space for people. Abandoned property also has a negative impact on the local residents.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016-2017
category: common weal
funding priority: vitalization and design of town centres

This project is an attempt to raise the local residents’ awareness of regional and seasonal groceries and offers the chance to discuss the topic and deal with it in an active way. This way the urban space of living can put a focus on related educational and culinary related aspects. The process of growth and harvesting as well as taste and vitality become directly tangible. For this purpose various areas ranging from Hollabrunn’s main square to the Kellergassen are being cultivated and signposted.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: natural resources
funding priority: raising awareness and biodiversity

Learning and wondering about what the region has to offer as well as celebrating are the central aspect of this event. ‘BILDUNG TO GO’ shows in an informative and entertaining way what our region has to offer by focusing on the educational aspect. Experimenting, trying out new things together, collecting new experiences and celebrating co-educational success characterises this project as an outstanding one.

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funding organization: LF3
year of implementation: 2016
category: education
funding priority: common weal